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Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Water Color Painting

Water Colors are my favorite type of colors because I love the texture, color combination that I get after mixing the colors together. Some people find it hard to handle the wet colors and they also get frustrated how to use brush. Actually, water color painting is an art and technique that if anyone masters, it will become a plus point to their art skills. I also struggled at the beginning understanding the colors and patterns, but by the time I felt comfortable with it. You can check My Art Collection tab in which I have uploaded some of my paintings. Here's my most favorite painting that I personally love a lot.

Snowy day
Painting Whites

I got inspiration from Walter Foster's books especially about water color paintings. The books are so amazing that any person can learn to paint from basic to advance level. The two books that I like the most are about Outdoor Scenes and Landscapes. The books provide all the information from gathering materials, beginning with basics to exploring different techniques. 

The color palette that I have used in this painting contains colors: burnt Sienna, Cadmium red light, cerulean blue, cobalt blue, dioxazine violet, permanent magenta, raw sienna, permanent alizarin crimson.

The best tip to paint a landscape is to view the natural scene and take picture of it; this is because the light changes quickly outdoors, which makes it hard to paint all the natural colors, shadows and highlights as they shift. Capturing the light is most important so always check the variations in color of real landscape and picture. Once you understand the hues, variations and saturation, you are ready to paint anything of your interest. So friends, if you are afraid of water color painting, don't be afraid from now. Follow some books of your choice and learn from these every time you wish to paint. One most important thing, do Practice! Practice! and Practice!

All the Best!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Organize Your Room

Hello friends, today I am going to share some very interesting ways of decorating or organizing your room using recycled materials. As you know, we all usually have waste products at home that we simply want to throw in garbage. But you can actually turn those waste materials into your usable things. Yeah! 

Source: How Can I Recycle It

Let me count few of these things to you:
  1. Candle Jar
  2. Candy Jar
  3. Old Coffee Cup
  4. Bowls
  5. Candle Stands
  6. And much more
In this post I am sharing a fantastic video that will help you to learn how to use old candle jars. The tutorial is very easy and you can find the candle jars really very useful from now. In this video you can find how to melt the left over wax in the jar by heating it. I have some different method to get rid of wax. For this I use to put the jar in the refrigerator overnight and when the wax gets solid take it out with the help of spoon handle or screwdriver. Another way is to put the jar in the hot water and completely dip it in the water, let it set; the wax will come off easily.Isn't it easy?  

Materials required for this project:
  1. Candle Jar
  2. 40w Glue Gun
  3. Birdies from any store (from Michaels craft store, Wall-mart, etc.) 
  4. Surface cleaner
  5. And anything else that you may want to include
Here is the tutorial:


I hope you like it. DON'T forget to like and follow!
Thank You

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Marble Nail Art

Harleen Kaur
Marble Nail Art is a technique of  getting marble pattern on nails using Nail Paint. It looks hard to get the pattern but actually is pretty easy to do. All you need is little practice. When I tried it first time it turned little messy but with practice its so easy to do. For this tutorial you new only few things. Use as many colors of nail paint as you want. 

Following are the steps of this tutorial:

STEP 1: First of all, you need these two Nail Paints (or use 3 colors instead), a Tooth Pick, Vaseline, a Bowl filled with Water.

STEP 2: Apply nail paint on your nails of your choice. I suggest that the base nail paint should be lighter in color than the top base color. Its your option to select whatever you prefer. In this tutorial am using my favorite color that is Turquoise &Caicos. Apply 2 coats of nail paint and let it dry for 5-10 minutes. We don't want to dry it too much because it should be little sticky to hold the pattern after.

STEP 3: Now after letting it little dry, use Vaseline around your nails. Vaseline is best to use because you will be dipping your hands in water with nail paint and Vaseline will repel the rest of nail paint to get on skin. Use a Q-tip to apply Vaseline around nails, but don't put it on nails. 

 STEP 4: Take a bowl full of water (don't take warm water) and all you need now is to put little amount of different color of nail paint slowly and immediately stir it slowly with tooth pick. Dip your finger right away and carefully take it out. You can clean the rest of the dry material with the help of toothpick. Repeat the process by adding any color nail paint in the bowl and dipping nails in it.  

Finish the look by using transparent nail paint to add more shine. AND YOU ARE DONE!